1) What is the BBC's mission statement? act in the public interest, serving all audiences through the provision of impartial, high-quality and distinctive output and services which inform, educate and entertain 2) How is the BBC funded? an annual television licence fee 3) What must the BBC do to meet its public service broadcasting responsibilities? (Look at the five bullet points in the notes above). Provide a diverse range of high-quality programs that inform, educate, and entertain the public. Reflect the UK’s nations, regions, and communities in its content and services. Promote education and learning through its programs and services. Foster an inclusive society by representing a diversity of cultures and perspectives. Encourage creativity and innovation in the production of content. 4) Who is the regulator for TV and Radio in the UK? You can find details on this in the notes above. TV is regulated in the UK to ensure that rules are followed and inappropriate content is not ...