The Times case study - Audience and Industries
1) What are the main audience demographics for The Times newspaper? Add as much detail as you can.
The readership of The Times skews older, with a significant portion of its audience being over the age of 55. This demographic trend indicates that more than half of the readers fall into this age category.
2) What aspects of the front page of the Times CSP edition suggest that their readers are likely to be more educated and interested in hard news rather than entertainment?
One of the most immediate indicators of the type of content presented is the tone of the headlines. The Times typically employs a serious and formal tone in its headlines. first for football
3) Times readers are mostly over 55 years old. Why is this and how is this reflected or challenged by the design and news stories in the CSP pages we have studied?
The demographic profile of readers of The New York Times, particularly the observation that a significant portion is over 55 years old, can be attributed to several factors.
4) What are the main audience pleasures offered by the Times? Use Blumler & Katz Uses and Gratifications theory.
The Times to stay informed about current events, politics, economics. Where individuals seek knowledge that helps them navigate their daily lives and understand the broader context of societal issues.
5) Why might a reader enjoy this CSP edition of the Times? Use Blumler & Katz Uses and Gratifications theory categories and write as detailed an analysis as you can.
Information Acquisition: Readers seeking knowledge about cultural trends or significant events may find detailed analyses that satisfy their cognitive curiosity.
1) Who owns the Times? Write the name of the company AND the billionaire who owns the company.
Billionaire Owner: The key figure behind News Corp is Rupert Murdoch, who is a billionaire media mogul and the founder of the company.
2) What was the The Times's circulation in 2019? How many papers did the Times used to sell back in the 1990s? You can find all of these statistics in the blogpost above
.In 2019, The Times’s circulation was approximately 400,000 copies.
In the 1990s, it sold around 1 million copies per day.
3) How has the Times reacted to the decline in print sales and the growth of the internet? Watch the two videos above for more on this.
Investment in Digital Infrastructure: The Times has invested heavily in its website and mobile applications, ensuring that they are user-friendly
4) What does IPSO stand for and what is IPSO's job?
following the closure of the Press Complaints Commission (PCC). Its primary function is to oversee compliance with journalistic standards as outlined in the Editors’ Code of Practice.
5) Why do some people want stronger regulation of British newspapers? Look at the information above on newspaper regulation to find out more on this.
Public trust in media is crucial for a functioning democracy. When citizens believe that they cannot rely on news sources for accurate information, it can lead to cynicism towards all forms of media.
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