
Preliminary exercise feedback and learner response

  1) Type up your teacher's feedback  in full . If you've received your feedback via email, you can simply cut and paste it from the email into your blog.     WWW: Some planning posted to blog which is positive. However, I can’t see a finished preliminary exercise in order to give you feedback on your production skills.   EBI: You need to meet deadlines when it comes to Media coursework. Post your completed preliminary exercise to your blog for feedback.   LR: Complete the missing work as outlined above. 2) Using a combination of your own reflection on the preliminary exercise and the feedback you were given, write  two  WWW bullet points (What Went Well) and  two  EBI bullet points (Even Better If) for your preliminary exercise.  WWW: the picture was was good and zoomed in  WWW: the pic of me was good  EBI: that i need to wear something close to the coconut water EBI: to but coconut behind the drink   3)  What have you  learned  from the preliminary exercise that will help you

Print advert pre-production: blog tasks

  1) Plan your advertising campaign Plan out your THREE adverts in the same way you did for your summer project. Plan the following: 1) What brand of health drink are you going to use? You can use an existing drink. coconut water  2) New slogan for the health drink (MUST be original - cannot be existing slogan):   Refreshment from Nature's Heart 3) Main character(s) that will appear in your adverts:  Ayan 4) Main image 1: What will your first advert look like?  drinking  the coconut water  5) Main image 2: What will your second advert look like?  the water next the coconut  6) Main image 3: What will your third advert look like? Remember, they all need to be different images but part of the same campaign for the same health drink.   coconut water falling on the drink 7) What will you use for the secondary image in each advert? This may be a product shot or similar. Remember, this needs to be three  different  images just like the main images.  zoom in coconut water 8) Who will be i

Paper 1 assessment learner response

 1) Type up your feedback in full (you do not need to write mark/grade if you do not wish to). WWW-Q2 shows we have the potential to get into the middle levels + grades but we need to revise so we can reach that level throughout  EBI- revise terminology : you need to learn the key words and meanings such as camera shots. - revise csp: all of you figures for black widow are wrong you need to rive these and get them right  2) Look at the  mark scheme for this assessment . For Question 2 (12 mark unseen) use the indicative content in the mark scheme to identify  three  points that you could have referred to in your answer. Upper case and bold – connotations of the important, powerful message of the image and copy. • The white text against a black background and the darkness of the image makes the writing stand out and anchor the message of the text about training being important. Athletic body connotes that the subject is in condition and well prepared for the ‘battle’.  3) For Question 3

Coursework preliminary exercise

  1) Write a 100 word statement of intent explaining what you are going to make for your preliminary exercise. Statement of intent:  100 words explaining what you plan to make. I plan to make a 20 second advert about a student struggling to get up and go to school due to tiredness and lack of sleep who is helped by drinking rehydrating green tea drink. The beginning of the advert will have soundtrack that be fit with his negative mood . My character will be in his home uniform  that will be in a mess up to help us understand that he was tired and struggling shown by the student experiencing  The middle of the advert will be the character seeing the product with the close up shot and also the charter will drink the product and he will start to wear the uniform right and will come outside the house     2) Write a  script  for your preliminary exercise on your blog. This needs to include stage directions AND dialogue. To see how a TV drama script is presented, and to look at professional

Health drink advert

  Task:  Create  a  a 30-40 second health drink advert - similar to your coursework. The advert needs to be appropriate to the advertising brief we have been given in terms of content and target audience.  Length:  approximately 30-40 seconds. Equipment:  Smart phone or a school camcorder (limited numbers available).  Note:  you may need to bring in the cable to capture the videos from your phone or use data to upload to Google Drive / iCloud. Groups:  None. You  MUST  work individually. However, other people can act in your scene or operate equipment (e.g. camera, sound) as long as they are directed by the candidate submitting the work. You may want to get into groups of two or three to help each other complete this task. What your TV advert needs to include Content:   The advert  must  include the product (a 'pack shot' or the product being consumed), a main character, match-on-action editing and at least  three  different shot types (e.g. establishing shot, close-up, over-th

End of Year 1 exam learner response

  1) Type up any feedback from your teacher in full (you do not need to write mark/grade if you do not wish to). www- you have shown you have knowledge of the two TV texts but now we need to work on exam technique to pick up as many marks as possible. EBI-revise narrative theory  - work on note raking skills n for q2 you need to focus on social and cultural contexts. we will look at this in class 2) Look at the mark scheme document linked above. Question 1.1 asks about mise-en-scene. What do we use to remember mise-en-scene? Give one example answer from the mark scheme too. CLAMPS: Costume, Lighting, Actor placement/movement, make-up, props, setting. 3) Question 1.2 asks about narrative features in the extract. Look at the mark scheme to pick out  three  possible answers for this question.  Excellent analysis of the product that is detailed and critically engages with the nuanced aspects of how media language is used. • Focus on how narrative features communicate meanings is thorough a

Summer Project: coursework planning

  1) Research: health drink TV adverts Innocent Drinks 1) What is the  unique selling point  of the product?   The unique selling point of Innocent Drinks is their commitment to using 100% natural fruit in their products, particularly in their fruit smoothies. This emphasis on fresh and natural ingredients sets them apart from other beverage companies and aligns with the current trend towards healthier eating and lifestyle choices.  2) What  audience  do you think this is aimed at? Add as much detail as possible (e.g. demographics, psychographics) and explain  why . Age:   Innocent Drinks typically appeals to a younger demographic, including millennials and Generation Z consumers. These age groups are often more health-conscious and interested in sustainable products, which aligns well with Innocent’s brand ethos. 3) What do you notice about the  technical construction  of the advert? Pick out one thing you like about the advert from camerawork, editing, sound or mise-en-scene. The cam